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GUM has been rooted in Hong Kong for over 40 years, focusing on providing consulting services for corporate MPF and employee benefits. Our priorities are always meeting the needs of our corporate clients and their employees, our strategic partners as well as all MPF members of Hong Kong.
Rooted in Hong Kong for over 40 years
Industry-Leading research
Experienced in Employee Communication

Why should you choose GUM as your MPF consultant?

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With over 40 years of experience in Hong Kong, GUM specializes in providing MPF consulting services and employee benefits for corporates. Our goal is to assist employers in effectively optimizing their benefit spendings while helping employees in developing better retirement plans. Having accumulated over four decades of market experience and bolstered by a team of dedicated professionals in actuarial services, investments, and employee communications, we actively engage with our clients, attentively addressing their needs while spearheading market innovations, working hand in hand with them to go faster and further. Putting each individual at the center, GUM focuses on every "U" - whether it's the companies and their employees we serve, our closely collaborating partners, or the vast MPF members - they are at the core of GUM's development.Our professional consultants provide reliable advice and customised solutions to our clients through objective analysis, resulting in enhancements to their overall employee benefits and MPF plans.We value industry-leading research and understand the importance of staying abreast of the latest market developments and trends. Through continuous research and in-depth market analysis, we have introduced numerous industry-leading studies, providing valuable market insights and tailored solutions that align with their respective company needs. GUM boasts a dedicated team of employee services professionals with extensive experience in human resources. We emphasize effective employee communication and education as key factors for the success of benefit programs.

GUM Services


GUM is committed to providing comprehensive solutions to improve employees' retirement life. Through organizing seminars and workshops, we actively foster the growth and advancement of MPF, educating employers and employees on proactive MPF management. With HKD10 billion in assets under advisory and an annual contribution of HKD1.2 billion, we are trusted by over 900 clients to secure their retirement future. We are committed to providing our clients with comprehensive MPF consulting services, encompassing MPF plan evaluation and analysis, design and implementation. We also offer consultation services for ORSO as well as design and advisory for Voluntary Contribution Scheme to provide tailored solutions that align with both regulatory mandates and the best interests of employers and employees alike.
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Employee Benefits

A well-designed employee benefits program is the cornerstone of a successful compensation and benefit policy. We have achieved an impressive gross premium of over HKD710 million across both Employee Benefits (EB) and General Insurance (GI) between 2021-2023, serving a diverse portfolio of around 1,200 clients. GUM provides a comprehensive analysis of employee benefits programs through various research, such as our Employee Insurance Benefits Research. This research includes a thorough examination of benefit provision, costing, utilization, industry trend forecasting, and program design and evaluation. Our goal is to ensure that your benefits program remains competitive in the market and aligns with the needs and expectations of your employees. As your Employee Benefit Consultant, we ensure a sustainable benefit plan by analyzing claims and utilization patterns. To optimize resource allocation and meet the needs of employees, we also provide flexible benefit programs solution that allow employees to choose the benefits that best suit their needs. GUM also specializes in reviewing and designing Corporate Insurance Program to ensure they go aligned with the company's strategies and goals.

Wellness Solutions

GUM encourages clients to provide Wellness Programs for employees to promote their physical and mental well-being, thus enhancing company productivity and profitability. GUM offers various Wellness Programs tailored to different clients' needs and budgets. Our PowerUP program includes webinars hosted by industry experts and counselling services, while MVP program offers a more comprehensive range of online and offline wellness activities. Apart from addressing the physical and mental well-being of employees, our Financial Wellness Solution provides a range of financial health improvement strategies. It includes financial health check-ups, online lectures, workshops, and one-on-one financial coaching services.
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Employee Communications Service

Effective Employee Communications ensures that employees understand and make the most of the company's benefits programs. GUM recognizes the importance of employee communication and actively provides clients with effective communication strategies and support. We offer a comprehensive range of services, from pre-event promotion and registration processes to organizing employee seminars and explanations, as well as handling billing and claims processing, one-on-one MPF consulting services, and personal financial planning. Our services are designed to be a one-stop solution. To help employees gain a better understanding of and utilize their benefits more effectively. Our member briefings have increased the MPF Confidence Level of employees to 5.58, compared to the market practice level 3 reflected in the GUM MPF Confidence Survey 2023. We use interesting and appealing seminar materials with clear message highlights, multimedia channels, bilingual services in both Chinese and English, online and offline consultation services to engage employees.

GUM MPF Performance Index

The GUM MPF Performance Index is developed by our experienced team of MPF consultants, aiming to provide employers and employees with the latest market dynamics and trends.
Through continuous market research and analysis, our MPF consultants offer valuable insights and customized solutions to help you maintain a leading position in the competitive market.
The GUM MPF Performance Index is a unique tool that aids in understanding market dynamics, formulating effective investment strategies, and maximizing investment returns. It serves as a valuable resource for staying informed and making informed decisions regarding MPF investments.
GUM Composite Index


Index Fund
risk level



Why GUM? GUM—Your Preferred MPF Consultant

Why choose GUM
A Dynamic Team of Seasoned Experts
When selecting an MPF consulting company, it's crucial to consider not only the company's experience and expertise but also the professionalism and service attitude of the MPF consultants. With over 40 years of experience in Hong Kong, GUM has a team of seasoned MPF consultants dedicated to providing professional and attentive services to every client. Our team members possess extensive industry knowledge and a wealth of experience, well-understood with the specific needs of different industries and provide tailored measures. With deep industry knowledge, we're equipped to tackle any challenge and provide top-notch solutions. 
Why choose GUM
Pioneering Customized Servicing
GUM stays ahead of market trends to offer innovative and market-leading solutions for employers in this ever-changing world. Understood that each business and employer has unique needs and goals, therefore we provide customized services to design MPF plans tailored to each client's specific circumstances.  We regularly organize events such as seminars and workshops to help clients stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices. Additionally, we provide research reports and market analysis on the latest trends to assist clients in making well-informed decisions.
Why choose GUM
Compliance and Trust
GUM places a strong emphasis on regulatory compliance. We strictly adhere to the regulatory requirements of the IA, MPFA, and SFC, providing legal and compliant advice. Our team members possess expertise and uphold values rooted in ethical standards, ensuring that our clients comply with all legal regulations and achieve the highest level of compliance in MPF plan management and implementation. We have established rigorous internal control mechanisms to ensure all operations meet regulatory requirements and undergo monitoring and auditing to ensure compliance and trustworthiness.
Why choose GUM
Extensive Research and Market Analysis
GUM has dedicated to maintaining a leading position in the MPF consulting industry, by offering comprehensive research and market reports, including the renowned GUM MPF Performance Index, MPF Confidence Index, and periodic employer survey reports, ensuring our clients make informed decisions for their benefit plans. Our research team closely monitors industry trends and market developments to provide clients with the latest industry insights and professional perspectives for the wisest decision makings. Whether it's market performance, investment strategies, or regulatory changes, we provide comprehensive analysis and recommendations to back our clients up to stay ahead in the competitive market.
Why choose GUM
Rich HR Service Experience
GUM believes that effective employee communication and education are the keys to the success of any benefit plan. That's why we prioritize clear and engaging communication. We understand the role and significance of employees in MPF plans, where we are committed to providing comprehensive communication strategies and educational programs to help employees understand their benefits and MPF options. Through workshops, online resources, and individual consultations, we ensure that employees can make knowledgeable and wise MPF decisions. Our team is professional, approachable, ready to answer employees' questions and provide supports, empowering employees to make the most of their benefits.

Frequently asked questions

Why should you choose GUM?
What unique services does GUM provide?
What are the benefits of choosing our MPF consulting services?
How often should you review the performance of your MPF plan?
How does GUM assist employees in achieving better retirement plannings?
What customized solutions does GUM provide?
How does GUM provide valuable insights through market research and analysis?
How does GUM help clients maintain a leading position in the market?
What types of employee benefit plan services does GUM offer?
What are the features and advantages of GUM’s services?
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AddressOffice A-D, 31/F, Legend Tower 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong
EmailGeneral Enquiries marketing@gumhk.com Media Enquiries karensiu@gumhk.com
Whatsapp (for MPF member service)+852 6030 0900
Phone +852 2893 4402