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MPF Index Performance Ranking Hong Kong

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The GUM MPF Index offers an in-depth look at MPF performance in HK, serving as a valuable reference for investors. Track aggregate returns and rankings to gauge overall MPF efficacy.
The Need for MPF Insight
The Need for MPF InsightIn Hong Kong's ever-changing financial landscape, understanding the performance of Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) schemes is crucial for long-term financial planning. The GUM MPF Index serves as a reliable guide, helping you navigate the complexities of MPF investments. It offers a comprehensive view of MPF performance in Hong Kong, making it an indispensable tool for investors who aim to maximize their retirement savings. The index is designed to provide a snapshot of the market, allowing you to compare various MPF funds and their performance rankings. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the MPF landscape, the GUM MPF Index offers valuable insights that can guide your investment decisions.
Report Highlights-Abolition of MPF Offsetting
The Mechanics of the GUM MPF IndexThe GUM MPF Index is calculated using a variety of metrics, including net asset value (NAV) and market trends. This provides a reliable measure of MPF performance in HK, making it an indispensable tool for investors. The index offers a snapshot of the market, allowing you to compare various MPF funds and their performance rankings. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the MPF landscape, the GUM MPF Index offers valuable insights that can guide your investment decisions. It is meticulously designed to capture the nuances of the market, providing a multi-dimensional view of MPF schemes.pe, the GUM MPF Index offers valuable insights that can guide your investment decisions.

GUM MPF Performance Index

GUM Composite IndexKey Data

Fund Performance
Fund Price224.07
Date of Valuation2023/01/31

Fund Characteristics
Fund TypeIndex Fund
Risk Level
risk level
Risk Indicator

Cumulative Performance (%)
3 Year-19.19%
5 Year-1.57%
10 Year16.74%
20 Year113.82%

Fund Expense Ratio

Index Calculation Methodology

The GUM MPF Index adopts a meticulous calculation methodology to ensure accuracy and reliability. Index values are calculated on a daily basis, using the Net Asset Value (NAV) per unit of each Constituent Fund. The Daily Return is defined as the daily changes in NAV, calculated as "Current Day's NAV per unit ÷ Previous Day's NAV per unit." Asset Weighting is another crucial factor, defined as the percentage of an asset among the total assets of all MPF Funds included in each index. Each fund's Daily Return is multiplied by its Asset Weighting to calculate the Attribution of each fund. Finally, all Attributions are summed up and multiplied by the index value of the previous day to arrive at the current index value. This robust methodology ensures that the GUM MPF Index is a reliable measure of MPF performance. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how the index is calculated, allowing investors to trust the data presented.

Why MPF Performance Ranking Matters

Understanding the MPF performance ranking is more than just a numbers game; it's about making informed decisions for your financial future. The GUM MPF Index provides a performance ranking that allows you to compare various MPF funds side-by-side. This comparative analysis can help you identify which funds are outperforming or underperforming their peers, thereby aiding you in making better investment choices. The index offers a detailed breakdown of each fund's performance, providing a multi-dimensional view that goes beyond mere numbers. It allows you to understand the factors that contribute to a fund's performance, such as asset allocation, risk profile, and management strategy.

MPF Performance in HK: A Closer Look

For those who are specifically interested in the Hong Kong market, understanding MPF performance in HK is crucial. The GUM MPF Index offers a localized perspective that can be invaluable when planning your investments. It provides a snapshot of how various MPF schemes are performing in the Hong Kong market, allowing you to tailor your investment strategy accordingly. The index captures the nuances of the local market, including sector-specific trends and regulatory changes, providing a comprehensive view that is tailored to the needs of Hong Kong investors. By focusing on MPF performance in HK, you can make more informed decisions and optimize your investment portfolio.

Strategies for Maximizing MPF Performance

Maximizing your MPF performance involves more than just picking the right funds; it's about adopting the right strategies. Diversification, timing, and regular monitoring are key elements that can significantly impact your MPF returns. The GUM MPF Index serves as a valuable resource, offering insights and data that can help you refine your investment strategies. It provides a detailed guide on how to optimize your MPF performance in HK, including tips on asset allocation, risk management, and performance monitoring.

The Future of MPF and the GUM MPF Index

The landscape of MPF investments is ever-changing, influenced by market trends, regulatory changes, and economic factors. The GUM MPF Index is committed to evolving alongside these changes, continually updating its methodology and data to provide the most accurate and relevant information. As you plan for your financial future, the GUM MPF Index will remain a reliable tool for assessing MPF performance. It offers a forward-looking perspective, providing insights into emerging trends and potential investment opportunities in the MPF market.

Conclusion: Making the Most of Your MPF Investments

Investing in MPF is a long-term commitment that requires careful planning and informed decision-making. The GUM MPF Index serves as a comprehensive guide, offering valuable insights into MPF performance, rankings, and market trends. By leveraging this information, you can make the most of your MPF investments and secure a financially stable future. The index provides a roadmap for investors, outlining the steps needed to optimize your MPF portfolio and achieve your financial goals.

Understanding the GUM Composite Index and Its Components

The GUM MPF Performance Composite Index is a comprehensive measure that includes the GUM MPF Equity Fund Index, GUM MPF Mixed Asset Fund Index, and GUM MPF Fixed Income Fund Index. Each of these sub-indices is comprised of various funds that focus on different asset classes. For instance, the Equity Fund Index includes funds like Asian (ex Japan) Equity Fund and Global Equity Fund, among others. The Mixed Asset Fund Index includes a range of funds with varying asset allocations, such as Mixed Asset Fund (20%-40%) and Default Investment Strategy - DIS Age 65 Plus Fund. The Fixed Income Fund Index includes funds like the MPF Conservative Fund and Bond Fund - Global Bond Fund. Together, these sub-indices offer a holistic view of the MPF market, allowing investors to make well-informed decisions.

Breakdown of GUM Composite Index Components

GUM MPF Equity Fund Index• Asian (ex Japan) Equity Fund • Global Equity Fund • Hong Kong Equity Fund • Hong Kong Equity Fund (Index Tracking) • Japan Equity Fund • Greater China Equity Fund • North America Equity Fund • Europe Equity Fund • Other Equity Funds
GUM MPF Mixed Asset Fund Index• Mixed Asset Fund (20%-40%) • Mixed Asset Fund (40%-60%) • Mixed Asset Fund (60%-80%) • Mixed Asset Fund (80%-100%) • Default Investment Strategy - DIS Age 65 Plus Fund • Default Investment Strategy -DIS Core Accumulation Fund • Target-Date Fund • Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund
GUM MPF Fixed Income Fund IndexMPF Conservative Fund • Guaranteed Fund • Money Market Fund- Hong Kong Dollar Money Market Fund • Money Market Fund - RMB and HKD Money • Bond Fund - Global Bond Fund • Bond Fund - Asian Bond Fund • Bond Fund - Hong Kong Dollar Bond Fund • Bond Fund - RMB Bond Fund

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Frequently asked questions

What is GUM MPF Index?
How is GUM MPF Index calculated?
Which MPF funds are included in the index?
How can the GUM MPF Index help me evaluate MPF funds?
What is the historical performance of the GUM MPF index?
What are the limitations of the GUM MPF Index?

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AddressOffice A-D, 31/F, Legend Tower 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong
EmailGeneral Enquiries marketing@gumhk.com Media Enquiries karensiu@gumhk.com
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