HK Equity Rebound, Funds Flowing into US Equity and DIS; eMPF Platform Gears Up for Action

Reading Time: 13 minutes GUM has released the Q1 2024 MPF performance today. “GUM MPF Composite Index” rose by 2.5%, and the average member earnings for the year amounted to HKD 6,022. The 2024 Q1 continues the trend of 2023, with strong performance in the European, US, and Japanese markets. The US stock market reached new highs driven by technology stocks, and the FED announced a delay in interest rate cuts. The Bank of Japan ends its 17-year negative interest rate policy, and the Japanese stock index breaks through the key level of 40,000 points. The China and Hong Kong markets experienced a decline in January, but rebounded in February due to market expectations surrounding the “Two Sessions”.